The Viewer
To access the Viewer, click the eye icon from the collection:
or from the Editor:
these icons will take you to the VIEWER
The back arrow will take you to the previous page within VividCharts.
The VividCharts "V" will take you to the VividCharts homepage.
Clicking Slides, will allow you to select a different slide (if applicable)
If you have the refresher role and View access to the View the REFRESH button will be available and clicking REFRESH will kick off a new data call and refresh the data from ServiceNow.
If filter(s) have been added to the View in the Editor, the FILTERS button will appear. Clicking here will allow you to choose predefined filters for the View.
The 3 dot ellipsis will open a dropdown menu with the following options:
to users, groups, roles, or all logged in users
to pdf or ppt
Save a url of a filtered report
The gear icon will open the Settings for the Viewer page. These settings allow you to Format and Loop the report.
Change to Slide deck or Tabbed
Will open the report in full screen mode and cycle through the slides on an automatic loop of 30 seconds or 60 seconds.
The final option in the upper right corner will open the report into full-screen mode.
This mode can be closed by clicking ESC on your keyboard or by clicking the close icon in the upper right corner.