Some special syntax rules will help you when writing your functions. A few of these may be familiar if you are used to other spreadsheet tools, however, there is syntax specific to VividSheets.
Let's review.
General Syntax Rules
The VividSheets functions have a general pattern that includes, the chosen function, a table name, an encoded query, and then if required a field name.
For example, the VIVIDCOUNT function is the following:
VIVIDCOUNT(SN Table, Encoded Query)
An example that requires a field name is the VIVIDSUM function:
VIVIDSUM(SN Table, Encoded Query, Field)
Two additional notes:
Functions need to be written in all capital letters. These are case-sensitive, so they will not work if using lowercase letters.
Every function is preceded by the equals symbol
Cell references need to use capital letters.
=VIVIDCOUNT(b3, active=true) --> This is wrong
=VIVIDCOUNT(B3, active=true) --> This is correct!
Absolute cell references
Allows a specific cell's value to allows be used in your function
This will always reference the value in column B, row 2
Relative cell references
Allows a function to reference a specific column or row, but also allow for the columns or rows to be relative to it's location.
This will always reference the values in column C, but the row will be relative to its location.
VividSheets Encoded Query Building
Rarely will your encoded queries include conditions that only reference a single cell, therefore we've built a way for users to build complex queries.
To create the query, you need to start and end with backticks (single and double quotes do not work)
Inside the backticks, you append as many cell references as you need, those references need to be placed inside double-open and double-closed brackets.
The cell references can be absolute or relative references
As in a normal encoded query, conditions are appended using the caret ( ^ ) symbol