Build a Summary
Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over a week ago

Step 1:

To build a summary, start by clicking on the Apps dropdown from the VividCharts Homepage.

Step 2:

Select 'Summary Builder'

Step 3:

Select 'Configure'

Step 4:

Choose your process area.

Step 5:

Choose your template.

Step 6:

Choose your card style. Click the "eyeball" icon to view an example of what the card/list will look like.

Step 7:

Add your conditions narrow in on the specific number of records you are interested in seeing.

Step 8(Version 1.5 and later):

Select the frequency of when you would like your summary data to be refreshed. The VividCharts refresher role, Edit access to the Summary, and you must be logged into ServiceNow to refresh your summary data on-demand.

Step 9:

Save and wait for your Summary to generate. This time may vary depending on the number of records included in the Summary.

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