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MSP Hub - Steps to get from Day 1 to Done!
Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over a year ago
  1. Setup and configure the VividCharts Data Engagement Platform with the correct feature groups, roles, and run scheduled jobs.

  2. Gather any mock ups or materials. This should include desired metrics / table info / etc. from the team that will be utilizing the MSP Hub Summaries.

  3. Begin the build! For the first build, let’s have a Use Case Review Session to start you in the right direction. Contact your CSM to schedule!

    1. Start by creating a New View to act as a template for the Summary Views. Usually with templates like this, the Field Selector Chart will be your most utilized chart. Please feel free to lean on VividCharts for styling assistance - this is the fun part for us!

    2. Be sure no filters are utilized on this View

    3. Be sure all charts are generic, meaning they aren’t linked to a specific customer. The customer filter will be handled automatically by the MSP Hub.

    4. Once everything has been built and styled as desired, the View is ready to be made into a template.

  4. Create a collection titled “View Template”. Add your view to this collection to be sure you can always locate this master template. It is best practice to share this View and Collection with anyone else that will be maintaining this template.

  5. Share and test!

    1. Gather feedback from testing

    2. Once a good portion of feedback / changes have been collected, go back to the View and make necessary changes.

    3. It is best practice to try to make changes all at once since the process for updating the Summary template takes a few extra steps.

  6. Edit a Summary Template

    1. Locate the View that was used to create the template.

    2. Go into the editor by clicking the pencil icon and make necessary changes.

    3. Save the View. Then save the template.

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