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Group-by in Scaled Reports
Gary Ditsch avatar
Written by Gary Ditsch
Updated over 4 months ago

If you're on a Scaled Report Summary Page, you may notice the option to Open Iin Viewer. To make this option available, select at least one report by clicking on its checkbox.

With some reports selected, clicking on "Open in Viewer" will open the selected records in the VividCharts Viewer.

Before going to the Viewer, VividCharts gives you the option to organize your records by a Group By Field.

In this example, we have chosen to Group By program manager. Clicking SUBMIT will open the records in the Viewer. Once in the Viewer, clicking on Slides in the upper left corner will open the slide menu. From here, you have the option to choose the field. In this example, we are able to choose the program manager, Maria McKinley. By selecting Maria we have jumped to the slides where Maria is the Program manager. This can be seen in the below example by noticing that with Maria selected we have jumped to slide 3.

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