Store Version: 1.6.0
Published: February 1, 2024
Certified: Tokyo, Utah, Vancouver
Type: Minor Release
Platform Improvements
Default settings for chart style options were updated for better initial experience
The trend table now allows for the columns and rows to be swapped (allowing your columns to be your rows and vice versa)
The heat map chart type now allows for conditional coloring
A new admin dashboard was added for monitoring the consumption of monthly reports based on the report type
New Chart Types
Chevron Flow Chart, allows you to select a table and field to be displayed as a workflow visual
Trend Score, allows a trend line to be behind a score, with the score displayed equal to the last value in the trend
Improved the way regression trendlines are drawn so they respect the top and bottom axis
Summary conditions are properly saved when editing setup, even if all steps are not reviewed
Dynamic filter search bars appropriately respect filter conditions used to build the filter
The 'stage' field on the demand table is now available within the condition builder
Single Project Gantt chart now updates appropriately based on the conditions and chart options selected
Report Generator filter options get updated when a refresh action is made on the Views data
Firefox-specific issue, where no back arrow was present in the Viewer is fixed
On the RIDAC List Chart, Risks now display 'type' when it is one of the selected mapped fields