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Lookout 1.6.0
Stephen Schwab avatar
Written by Stephen Schwab
Updated over a week ago

Store Version: 1.6.0

Published: February 1, 2024

Certified: Tokyo, Utah, Vancouver

Type: Minor Release

Platform Improvements

  • Default settings for chart style options were updated for better initial experience

  • The trend table now allows for the columns and rows to be swapped (allowing your columns to be your rows and vice versa)

  • The heat map chart type now allows for conditional coloring

  • A new admin dashboard was added for monitoring the consumption of monthly reports based on the report type

New Chart Types

  • Chevron Flow Chart, allows you to select a table and field to be displayed as a workflow visual

  • Trend Score, allows a trend line to be behind a score, with the score displayed equal to the last value in the trend


  • Improved the way regression trendlines are drawn so they respect the top and bottom axis

  • Summary conditions are properly saved when editing setup, even if all steps are not reviewed

  • Dynamic filter search bars appropriately respect filter conditions used to build the filter

  • The 'stage' field on the demand table is now available within the condition builder

  • Single Project Gantt chart now updates appropriately based on the conditions and chart options selected

  • Report Generator filter options get updated when a refresh action is made on the Views data

  • Firefox-specific issue, where no back arrow was present in the Viewer is fixed

  • On the RIDAC List Chart, Risks now display 'type' when it is one of the selected mapped fields

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