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Mandaloun 1.7.0
Gary Ditsch avatar
Written by Gary Ditsch
Updated over 8 months ago

Store Version: 1.7.0

Published: April 30th, 2024

Certified: Utah, Vancouver, Washington DC

Type: Minor Release

App Version: 1.1.351

YouTube Playlist: VividCharts 1.7.0 Release

Platform Improvements

  • VividSheets data is now available as a data source for some chart types when you are building non-filterable slide decks.

  • The introduction to builder workflows is a part of this release, allowing for more contextual editor and building experiences for the different types of outputs builders are trying to achieve.

  • A new chart menu experience allows for better organization, management, and support for chart types and templates.

  • A builder can now multiselect elements on the editor, using keyboard commands or marquee selection.

  • Builders can now utilize an encoded query they’ve created via an encoded query input, in which case these conditions are used in place of conditions from the condition builder.

  • Clickthrough capabilities were added to both the shape and image elements.

  • Selected filters can now be displayed on the viewer or download, when they are active and this feature has been turned on with the ‘Advanced: Display Active Filters’ setting.

  • There is some messaging on the platform that now utilizes UI Messages, which can be customized to reflect what a customer would like to have displayed to their users.

  • Style options for the Nested List chart type were enhanced

  • When building a chart, using group by option, variables are now on option for the group by on the requested item (sc_req_item) table, with the variable options coming from the item_option_new table.

  • List charts now have a sticky header

  • Score chart type now has a percentage score formatting

  • A new template was added to support the MSP Hub

Chart Type Name Updates

There were five chart types that had a name change to better reflect the chart's value and expected output.

Old Name

New Name

Program Level Project Status Map

Project Status List

Program Level Project Heatmap

Project Heatmap List

Portfolio Level Program Heatmap

Program Heatmap List

Change Status Map

Change Status List

CAB Status Map

CAB Status List


  • The multiselect dropdown has been improved to allow the dropdown to flow overtop other elements so that it is easier for the user to see options.

  • Scroll bars on a Field Selector chart type are removed when exported to pdf or pptx

  • Date field dropdown menus now support glide_date types

  • Dropdowns on the ‘add column fields’ modal in the List chart type provide a better user experience

  • The condition builder supports conditions, where there are choice fields and one of the choices is an integer with zero as an option

  • Labels were updated for card types within the MSP Hub

  • The overlay present during the summary (now called scaled reports) generation was updated with a better user experience

  • The error messaging for the Single Project Gantt chart was updated to provide better information

  • The total number of views in the Your Views collection was updated so all views show, no matter how the collection was sorted.

  • Report generator was updated to correctly handle a charts that have second set of conditions (for example percentage score)

  • Score was updated to correctly handle the use of the ‘Date field’ conditions builder, so that when those conditions are removed, the chart correctly responds to filters

  • The Nested List chart type was updated to correctly apply headers, when a DB View is used as the data source

  • Chevron flow chart will now correctly highlight segments, when workflows containing multiple word titles are applied

  • The clickthrough on the Chevron flow chart will now appropriately go to a single record

  • A list field in now able to be selected, when it is dot walked to within the List chart builder

  • Tool tips for charts that are at the edge of a slide, now appear as expected and do not disappear behind the border

  • When a number is added to a string field in a ServiceNow record, when used in a chart on VividCharts, that number not automatically formatted as a number and can remain a string

  • Stacked Area chart data labels are being applied to all of the area graphs in the stack

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