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Pie Chart

How to build a Pie Chart

Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over a year ago

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. Each slice represents a proportionate part of the whole, and the entire circle represents 100%.

For the Pie Chart example below we will be looking at incidents by priority.

Let's look at the Data and Chart Options for the Pie Chart in this example.

We are dealing with incidents for the Pie Chart so we want to use the incident table.

Conditions: Setting conditions allows you to query the table you are building the chart from, in this case, the Incident table. We only want to see Active incidents so we set the conditions as Active is true.

Group by: allows users to organize and aggregate data based on specific fields or criteria.

Aggregate Type: Refers to a data aggregation method or function used to combine or summarize data from multiple records. They allow users to perform calculations on sets of records to derive meaningful insights. Some common aggregate types include:

  1. Count: Calculates the number of records in a set.

  2. Count Distinct: counts the number of unique, non-duplicated values in a field.

  3. Sum: Adds up the values of a specified field for a set of records.

  4. Average: Computes the average value of a specified field for a set of records.

  5. Minimum: Finds the minimum value of a specified field in a set of records.

  6. Maximum: Determines the maximum value of a specified field in a set of records.

Aggregate Field: refers to a field that displays an aggregated value based on the data from other fields. These fields are used to perform calculations or summarize data from related records.

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