Arc Score Chart

How to build Arc Score Chart type

Written by Blake Hester
Updated over a week ago

Arc Score Chart gives you a count based on the chart options and conditions set. The count is then compared to a Threshold that the user can specify in the chart options.

While in the View Editor, click on the 'Charts' icon on the left hand navigator bar.

Search for and select Arc Score Chart.

In the Data tab, select Table as your data source. For this example, we are using the Project table as our data source.

In the Chart Options, complete the required chart options and click save.

Use the below as an example:

Aggregate Type: Refers to a data aggregation method or function used to combine or summarize data from multiple records. They allow users to perform calculations on sets of records to derive meaningful insights. Some common aggregate types include:

  1. Count: Calculates the number of records in a set.

  2. Count Distinct: counts the number of unique, non-duplicated values in a field.

  3. Sum: Adds up the values of a specified field for a set of records.

  4. Average: Computes the average value of a specified field for a set of records.

  5. Minimum: Finds the minimum value of a specified field in a set of records.

  6. Maximum: Determines the maximum value of a specified field in a set of records.

Aggregate Field: refers to a field that displays an aggregated value based on the data from other fields. These fields are used to perform calculations or summarize data from related records.

Threshold: Set Threshold to compare against the aggregate type. For this example Threshold is set to 100, and the aggregate type is counting based off the conditions set. Think of the left side and 0 and the right side as the desired threshold. If Threshold was set to 32 the entire Arc Score Chart would be red.

Once the chart has been created, click on the STYLE menu to adjust the style options. The style options for the Arc Score Chart example above are as listed below.

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