The Resource Allocation Burndown chart sums all resource allocations under given conditions, and will decrease on a weekly trend the amount of hours logged on the time_card table and the resource_allocation table.
The line will begin on the earliest resource_allocation record with the records trending on the ‘starts’ field on the resource_allocation table. Taking records from the time_card table filtered by given conditions, the recorded hours will decrement from the resource_allocation total based on the ‘week_starts_on’ field date that is within the same week as the resource_allocation. If there is no match, nothing will be decremented.
After the last time_card record (trending by the ‘week_starts_on’ field) has been decremented, the remaining resource_allocations will be used to decrement from the total. This change to projected resources is denoted by the line changing from solid to dashed.
To set up:
Set the data source type to table and use the resource_allocation table.
After clicking save, set the Chart Options.
The first conditions set the conditions for the resource_allocation table.
Second conditions set the conditions for the time_card table. Ideally these should filter down to records to the same task such as a project or demand.
Select the date range and keep the date field as start_date.
Hit save. If the task has both resource_allocations and time_card records, the chart should generate.