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Grouped Vertical Timed Bar Chart
Grouped Vertical Timed Bar Chart
Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over a week ago

Used for comparing the size of multiple groups of data as groupings of smaller bars.

In the chart example above, the incidents are grouped by their states to show the amount of tickets by state opened per week.

The Image above shows all the inputs for Grouped Vertical Timed Bar Charts. The following is a definition of each input.

Group By: A feature used in reporting and list views to organize or categorize data based on specific fields. The Group by feature provides a quick overview of data based on specific criteria, helping users to make informed decisions and identify patterns in the information they are working with.

Aggregate Type: Refers to a data aggregation method or function used to combine or summarize data from multiple records. They allow users to perform calculations on sets of records to derive meaningful insights. Some common aggregate types include:

  1. Count: Calculates the number of records in a set.

  2. Count Distinct: counts the number of unique, non-duplicated values in a field.

  3. Sum: Adds up the values of a specified field for a set of records.

  4. Average: Computes the average value of a specified field for a set of records.

  5. Minimum: Finds the minimum value of a specified field in a set of records.

  6. Maximum: Determines the maximum value of a specified field in a set of records.

Aggregate Field: refers to a field that displays an aggregated value based on the data from other fields. These fields are used to perform calculations or summarize data from related records.

Trend Type: Allows user to specify the amount of time the Grouped Vertical Bars will represent. In the Trend Type example below, the Week input was selected. Therefore each group of vertical bars represent one week.

Date Range: Refers to a specified period of time between two dates. Date Range allows user to determine the amount of time the report will consider.

Date Field: Refers to a specific type of field that is used to capture and store date information within records. These fields can be used to track when an incident was reported, when a change request is scheduled, or when a problem was identified, among other use cases.

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