Score Styles

Currency, Duration, Decimals

Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over a week ago

Score Styles allow you to style and format a score chart to meet the needs of the data being displayed.

Besides the general text options, the score style menu allows you to choose the format of the data being displayed. You can choose from:

  • Currency (USD$, EUR€, etc.)

  • No decimal (0), 1 decimal place (0.0), 2 decimal places (0.00)

  • Duration (00:00)

  • Thousands (0k)

In the below example, we have utilized Currency and 0.00 to correctly show the total Budget Cost for this project.

In the below example, we have utilized 00:00 to correctly format the average duration of this month's incidents.

In the below example, we have utilized 0k on the bottom chart to condense the data shown.

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