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Chart Details - (Slide 3) Cost Implications

Technical details for Admins

Kseniya Verenich avatar
Written by Kseniya Verenich
Updated over 2 years ago

Slide 3: Cost Implications

For more information about the assumed values on this slide, visit SPM Snapshot Assumptions

Text Box:

  • Chart Query Information:

    • This value shows only if there are project managers who last logged in 30 days or more ago. Users who have project manager roles are queried and then all login time 30 days or greater before the current date it has been viewed.

Cost of manual status reports over last 12 months

  • Chart Query Information: This chart takes status reports created in the last 12 months multiplied by 30 minutes and $100 to account for time and cost per status report. This output is then reflected in the aggregate value of the chart.

Average status reporting cost per project

  • Chart Query Information: This chart takes status reports created in the last 12 months multiplied by 30 minutes and $100 to account for time and cost per status report. This data is then run through a count distinct to gather the number of projects to then be used to divide cost and time of all projects in the last 12 months by the number of status reports made in the last 12 months.

Hours spent last 12 months preparing status reports for presentation

  • Chart Query Information: This chart pulls status report records created in the last 12 months and multiplies by 30 mins to account for the time attributed to each status report’s creation. The output in the chart reflects the total time stolen from the company by the creation of status reports.

(Area Chart) Monthly Status Reports

  • Chart Query Information:This chart pulls all data for project status reports created in the last 12 months multiplying by 30 minutes to account for the time value of each individual project status and then multiplies by $100 to account for cost per hour. This data is then grouped by month the status report was created on and its outputs are reflected in the area chart.

(Area Chart) Monthly Status Reports Based on Manual Hours

  • Chart Query Information: This chart pulls all data for project status reports created in the last 12 months multiplying by 30 minutes to account for the time value of each individual project status. This data is then grouped by month the status report was created on and its outputs are reflected in the area chart.

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