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Why am I seeing 'Invalid Route' for Project Status Hub Module?
Why am I seeing 'Invalid Route' for Project Status Hub Module?
Gary Ditsch avatar
Written by Gary Ditsch
Updated over 2 months ago

Why are you seeing this screen?

In the Northern Dancer 1.8.0 release we redesigned the workflow for building and using scaled reports. Prior to that release we had 'Hubs' which were a place for many scaled reports for a single process area. (Scaled reports were also called Summaries at that time.)

We learned from many customers and their implementations that this was confusing, which lead to the update. Feedback has been positive about these changes. However, this change is likely causing the issue of your 'Invalid Route'.

This will be true if you had a version of VividCharts installed pre 1.8.0, then upgraded to 1.8.0 or later.

How to fix this experience?

The module for the 'Project Status Hub' will need updated. Here are the recommendations on how to update it for your implementation.

1. Find the Project Status Hub in the Navigator

2. Select to edit the module.

This will take you to the module so you can edit the settings. At this point you can either choose to set the link to inactive under the 'Visibility' tab which will remove the link from the Navigation completely.

However, our recommendation is to update the settings so your users workflows are maintained.

3. Update the module settings.

Our recommendation is to change the title from "Project Status Hub" to "Project Status Scaled Reports" this will align the language with the rest of the application experience.

You will then want to click on the 'Link Type' tab and change the value in the 'Arguments' field. The value in this field should direct users to your desired Project Status Scaled Report.

To find this value, go to your Scaled Reports list screen.

Select the scaled report you want to direct users to, then identify the url of that scaled report.

Copy and past that url (starting with the x/vivid/) into the field. The updated result should look something like the following: (click image to zoom)

The new link in the Projects module should direct users to the expected location. However, any user who navigates to the Scaled Report will have to have permissions to either view or edit the scaled report to see the Scale Report.

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