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004 - Incident Report Styling with Conditions and Calculations
004 - Incident Report Styling with Conditions and Calculations

Episode 4

Gary Ditsch avatar
Written by Gary Ditsch
Updated over a month ago


 Today I'm going to go through an example of building a list report with some conditional styling and a calculation. So a real common example here is, you know, we have a list of incidents that we want. With assignment groups and channel. Um, and then we want to see how long it took for the issue to be resolved.

And then we wanna conditionally style them. So anything over an hour is highlighted. After we build the report, we'll show the different ways to share it out and utilize the report once it's built. So let's go ahead and we will go ahead and. build a new slide. We'll go into our chart types and we're going to use the list chart here, incident table.

And from here, what I need to do is add some required fields and then some columns here. So let's go ahead and start with the columns. Let's see, I need name, or number, uh, channel, duration, open, I think that's it. Okay, so we'll go number, We got, uh, short description. Let's do that. We'll say channel. Oh, assignment group.

That's what I was missing. We want the assignment group. And open. And resolved. Okay. I'm going to leave this open because I want to do my calculation for the difference between these two dates there. So I'm going to hit save. we will go ahead and sort by opened at, say descending, we want clickable pagination on, and we'll hit save.

Okay, so this by default gives us a list of 10 incidents. So we're going to go ahead and open that up. Let's go back into our data. Let's get our top 100. most recent hundred, and we'll hit save. Okay, so now you can see I have a scroll bar over here, so I got some more. So let's go in here. Now I need to add the calculation here.

So we go into style, we got column calculations. We'll, we need to say what column we want the calculation to be in. And then we'll say, uh, resolved duration. We will say resolved minus open and we'll hit save. You can see here, now I have an hour and two seconds, three hours, so it's showing the difference.

This one is not resolved yet, so we don't have a resolved time. Um, I could filter out, uh, the not resolved ones. Actually, let's go ahead and do that. So let's go ahead and say, Where resolved at, uh, is not empty. We'll go ahead and save that. Okay, so now I should have only tickets that have been resolved, um, and opened recently.

So now the next step that I want to do is just highlight the tickets that have an over one hour resolve time. So if we go into style again, we have this column formatting. I'm going to say over one hour. It's the resolved duration column. And we're going to say is greater than. And we're going to say a number.

Now, what I need here is an hour The catch here is that it needs to be an hour and seconds. So 60 seconds times an hour 60 minutes of 3600 seconds. And then if it's 36, let's go ahead and let's do a light blue can now save it. So it's safe. Now we can see any of the Tickets I have that are over one hour is colored in a light blue.

Let's go ahead and give this a name. So we'll say, incident distance is over one hour resolve. Okay. I'm gonna go ahead and save that. And, I'm gonna go ahead and save that.

Let's go back here to this first one. Let's go ahead and delete this slide. So now my only slide is the second slide that I created. Let's save that again. I'm going to publish it so that I can share it out with this change to it. And then let's go to the viewer and take a look at it. Okay, so I could share this, uh, With people, I could share it with everyone and logs in.

I could share with individual users. But in this case, I know that I need to export it. And one nice thing is I turn pagination on when I set this up. So I'm going to do is I'm going to go to download. Let's say PDF. Let's get a really high quality. And I don't want to do anything here. I could turn on flatten, but I don't think I want to here.

So I'm going to hit download. We'll give it just a second.

Okay, so now my, uh, download finished. So let's go ahead and open that report up.

And we open that. You can see here, we got, looks like seven pages of incidents here. And, As we flip through, we can see that all of them have shown up. Now one other thing that I could look at, when I'm here on the viewer, one nice thing about this is I also turned on sortable headers. So let's say I wanted the export to be sorted by assignment group.

I could, uh, Sort it by the assignment group and then, uh, I could download it at that level. Maybe I want to do it by channel. I can sort it by channel and then download it similar to that. So, again, just another way to do a pretty common exercise, uh, for a report that you need to do on a regular basis.

Hopefully that helps with your setup of your reports

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