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003 - Bar Charts with Mulitple Tables from VividSheets Data
003 - Bar Charts with Mulitple Tables from VividSheets Data

Episode 3

Gary Ditsch avatar
Written by Gary Ditsch
Updated over a month ago


 Today I'm going to expand on the example that Rob shared last week and do an additional visualization of that. So as you can see here, Rob has shared this VividSheet that he created. You can see I have view access only. but he's shared it as a data resource. So I'll be able to use the data in it to build my charts also.

So just a review of what he did last week. He showed how we aggregated up the different counts of the ticket types or task types for each assignment group. And then we have totals for each of those columns. The other thing that he did was he created a styled table And that style table looks like this.

Now last week, this is what he put into the report that was shared in VividCharts, but in my case, I want to do some additional visualization with that. So, one other thing I want to do just to kind of show you a feature here is, over here on the right, you can see charts that reference the sheet, so that we can see, what's been built off of this.

If we click that, we can see that, Rob has a chart. That he put on this report built from this data. So anyway, let's go ahead and build a new visualization and we're going to use this data. So let's go into, I'll open a new tab and we'll just go into instance. And we'll open up VividCharts once we load.

Okay, so here I want to go ahead and create a new report. Now I want to use Vivid Sheets as a data source, so I need to create a non filterable slide deck here. And then the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to go add that chart that, or that table that Rob had to my report. So we got our style table, we got, let's see,

whoops. Sorry, I need to select. We'll do the sheet first, and then we'll go tickets by team, we'll hit save. So this gives me that table that he created. So this is what Rob did last week, is he got this far.

So I'll put this here. But I want some additional visualization on this thing. I want some, you know, some charts that actually show some bar charts across assignment groups or ticket types. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to, let's go ahead and save that just so we get it saved. Let's go ahead and do the catalog task, across the assignment groups.

So I'm going to go over into my charts. I'm going to say vertical bar. And the data source here is a vivid sheet. And we do that. We got summing tickets. And now what I need to do is get the labels and the cell values. So if we go back over here, the labels are A2 to A9. I don't want the total here. So we'll say A2.

A nine. And the values, uh, let's see. I think it's probably gonna be, yeah, so task catalog task is B two to B nine, B two, B nine. We'll hit save. Okay. So we will style this up a little bit. So we got our assignment groups. I need the labeling here to, let's change the chart colors. First I want just a single color, so we'll do that.

We'll change the data labels to just a little bit bigger

and then we'll put on the values. So now you can see we have bars and if we go here we can see it matches the table here. So we got 18, 8 and zeros across the board there. So let me give this a title. And we got, this is Catalog Tasks by Assignment Group.

So now we see this kind of visual done quite often where you have a chart visually showing bars and other types of visualizations for the data, and then you have the table of information below it. So I want to create a couple more. Let's go ahead and do the same thing. This data is not super interesting.

Let's do it with the incident table. And the easiest way to do that is just to hit copy slide. Now my slide two, I can just actually go edit that data. And so, let's see, incident table is column E. So, pretty simple way to do this is, I hit save. You can see now I got the incident data, and then I need to go change the title.

So we'll say, Incident Tasks.

And so we can, , have a nice, I'm going to go ahead and save that. So we can have a nice slide showing the overall data, but then, , a visual for each type of task there. Um, but it's pretty simple to also do it by, like, maybe we want to see all the task types for a specific assignment group.

I can also do that very easily. I'll just go ahead and copy this again. Um, This, I just need to select the right data for the chart. So I think a bar, vertical bar charts. What I want here again, in this case it's gonna be, uh, let's look at this. It's gonna be a, uh, B two to F two and B one to F1. It's the types.

So the labels are, uh, two. Let's see. Sorry to F two as we're going across. And this is gonna be B two

to F two? I think that's correct. Uh, this is actually B one to F1. Okay. So let's save that, see what happens. Yep. So I got catalog, so here I got. 1842, so we can see it matches 123 and 0. So this is the IT Service Desk Level 1, so let's change the title.

So that's the assignment group, so I probably want to say Task Counts, let's see, Task Type Counts for that specific group.

So again, it's just a representation, a visual representation of the data that's in the chart. So let's go ahead and save that. We'll publish it. And we'll go into the viewer. So now I have my representation of all that data. We can look at it, you know, in a more detailed way, but then also get the overall summation of all the data in the chart below.

So, Again, just another way to visualize the data that Rob created last week in the video for you. Hope that's another way for you to think about visualizing your data, and we'll talk to you again next time

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