A Portfolio Level Program Heatmap is a visual tool used in portfolio management to provide an overview of the status and performance of multiple programs within a portfolio. A Portfolio Program Heatmap uses color-coded indicators to represent different metrics or aspects of program management, allowing stakeholders to quickly assess the health and progress of the portfolio's programs. This can aid in decision-making, resource allocation, and identifying areas that may require attention or intervention.
Let's look at the Data and Chart options for the Portfolio Level Program Heatmap example above. A Portfolio Level Program Heatmap displays Program data, therefore it will default to and utilize the Program-pm_program table.
Conditions: Setting conditions allows you to query the table you are building the chart off of.
Order by: Determines how the Portfolio Level Program Heatmap will be populated. This is example is ordering by Priority-priority. Order by can be set to Active, State, and Risk among other options.